While a local mask mandate is not currently in effect, Girl Scouts continues to support any member who chooses to wear a mask while participating in activities, events, and meetings. GSGNY will continue to evaluate and monitor the guidelines and mandates provided by federal, state, and local agencies. We appreciate your commitment to Girl Scouts as we remain committed to your health and safety.
For more information regarding GSGNY’s current COVID-19 related policies and recommendations, please review the information below.
To keep Girl Scouts and their families healthy, we ask everyone to adhere to the following criteria. In addition, troop leaders should share these guidelines with troop families and collaborate with caregivers to assess their ability to comply. For example, younger Girl Scouts may find it difficult to remain socially distant and/or wear masks. If Girl Scouts cannot comply with guidelines below, troop activities should remain virtual at this time.
GSGNY requires all troop meetings to follow NYC COVID-19 Guidelines.
Troop leaders should have parents/caregivers fill out an Attendee Log at each meeting, trip, or event.
All groups must follow the Girl Scout-to-adult ratio, as outlined on page 6 of GSGNY’s Safety Activity Checkpoints.
All groups must follow the NYC Department of Health’s COVID-19 guidelines for Child Care Programs in both indoor and outdoor spaces.
Wash hands regularly and wipe down high-touch areas before and after use.
Never attend an in-person Girl Scout meeting, event, or other activity when exhibiting a fever or other indications of illness, while waiting for COVID test results, or if under quarantine.
Limit shared items that are touched on by participants, including food, to the greatest extent possible.
Discuss these requirements and troop plans with parents and caregivers to get their support or to allow them to make other choices for their Girl Scout.
First Aid kits should include Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), supplies such as hand sanitizer (at least 60% alcohol), tissues, disposable facemasks, and disinfectant. Disposable or no-contact thermometers should be supplied if available and not cost-prohibitive.
Please follow all guidelines and expectations of your troop meeting or event site with regard to face masks. For more information and recommendations on face masks, please visit the NYC COVID-19 Citywide Information Portal.
GSGNY requires all unvaccinated visitors to our office to wear a mask. Masks are optional for vaccinated visitors and staff at this time. We support those who wish or need to continue wearing a mask.
Vaccinations are highly recommended, though not required by GSGNY, to conduct in-person meetings. However, volunteers must follow any requirements of their meeting locations.
For general vaccination information, visit the New York City Department of Health website.
Our GSGNY office located at 40 Wall Street is open.
However, our GSGNY Retail Shop, located within the office, remains closed.
Wearing masks while indoors on GSGNY properties will be optional for vaccinated individuals. Visitors who are unvaccinated are asked to wear a mask while visiting. We support those who wish or need to continue wearing masks.
We are ready to answer your calls and emails Monday - Friday from 8:30am - 4:30pm. Call 212-645-4000 or email us at customercare@girlscoutsnyc.org.
We ask that troop leaders and volunteers be mindful of keeping all high touch surfaces sanitized (i.e., tabletops, light switches, chairs, etc.). For example, if the troop arrives to their meeting place after another user, volunteers should plan to bring sanitizing wipes to get the space ready for their troop.
GSGNY may require proof of vaccination or negative test results to participate in council events or camp sessions, depending on the venue.
Our Program team will let participants know on an event-by-event basis about any masking or vaccination requirements.
All general safety guidelines apply. In addition, before any field trip activity, troop leaders or volunteers must:
review GSGNY’s Safety Activity Checkpoints;
review GSGNY's Girl Scout Trip Planning Tip Sheet; and
submit a Troop Trip and Insurance Application 15 days before any trip. The Volunteer Experience team will send confirmation within 10 business days.
Camp Kaufmann follows the guidance outlined in the American Camp Association COVID-19 Resource Center.
Troops should review GSGNY’s Safety Activity Checkpoints for additional guidance.
Troop leaders must review GSGNY’s Girl Scout Trip Planning Tip Sheet before visiting Camp Kaufmann.
All visitors will be asked to complete a 5-day Symptom Screening procedure when checking in.
If you have had symptoms of COVID-19, tested positive for COVID-19, and/or have been in close contact with others who have tested positive or had symptoms, please visit the CDC’s Quarantine and Isolation Calculator.
If anyone who attended an in-person Girl Scout activity either:
experiences COVID-19 symptoms that are later confirmed as COVID-19; or
tests positive for COVID-19 within 5 days after the event
the individual or their caregiver should promptly contact GSGNY by completing an Incident Report. The person filling out the form will hear back from council staff within 48 business hours.
Troop co-leaders will be directed on the next steps to follow, including but not limited to:
confirming and tracing the positive tester;
contacting volunteers and the caregivers of any Girl Scout who may have been exposed; and
notifying the facility where the meeting took place.
Girl Scout and volunteer health information is private, strictly confidential, and should only be shared on a need-to-know basis with a council staff member.
If you have any additional questions or concerns, please call us at 212-645-4000 or email customercare@girlscoutsnyc.org with the subject line “COVID-19 Inquiry.”